Blackjack is one of the few casino games in which you can use skill to lower the house edge. Just by implementing basic strategy you can boost your winning chances and enjoy a higher success rate. But there are some Blackjack myths that players have believed for far too long, so before you play this card game, give these a read…
Face Cards Follow Face Cards
This myth is a bit silly, especially when you consider that when you play online, a random number generator determines all the results. There is absolutely no truth to the myth that a face card will be followed by another face card. The cards are shuffled and drawn at random, so you’re actually more likely to be dealt a numbered card than 2 face cards in a row, as there are a much greater number of numbered cards in a pack!
Avoid Busting At All Costs
This strategy may seem a little smart, but in the long run it won’t pay off. It’s too conservative for the game and it greatly reduces your chances of a win. Technically any hand of 12 and over has the potential for you to bust, but if you always stand on 12, you won’t have any where near as much chance than if you hit and hope for the best!
Assuming the Dealer Has A 10 In The Hole
A common myth is that you should always play as though the dealer has a 10 in the hole. This is considered a safe option as there are a large number of cards in the deck with the 10 value. The idea is that if the dealer shows a 9 you can assume he has a 10 hole card.
The Aim Of The Game
The biggest Blackjack myth is that in order to win you simply need to get a hand of 21 or as close to as possible without going over, or “bust”. This is only half the story though. In order to win you need a hand of 21 or as close to as possible, but you also need to ensure your hand beats the dealers. If you have 19 and the dealer has 20, you lose. Essentially, beating the dealer is the main aim!
But why?
Consider the fact that in a 52-card deck there are 16 cards with a 10 value, so there’s only a 31% chance that there’s a 10 in the hole, and a 69% chance there isn’t. That’s quite a big difference! Rather scrap the notion that the dealer has a 10 in the hole and stick to basic strategy that guides you to making the right move based on the dealers face up card.
Insurance Saves You Money
In short, no it doesn’t! Insurance is a separate bet that is offered if a dealer’s face up card is an Ace. You can then bet on whether they have a hand of 21, and if you are correct you’ll win a 2:1 payout. Now go back to the previous myth’s math. That’s right, they only have the same 31% chance of having a 10, so you’re betting off foregoing insurance!